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Can Cold Laser Therapy Treat Knee Pain?

Written By Texas Spine & Sports Rehab Clinic on April 27, 2023

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Knee pain can be difficult for your body to get rid of on its own. If you resort to surgery, that joint will have to recover from a serious procedure, which might not even get rid of your pain. Our League City chiropractor, Dr. Alfredo Vazquez, often recommends cold laser therapy to treat knee pain. It’s a non-invasive and painless outpatient procedure that might be right for your symptoms.

Why Joints Heal Slowly

Joints are slow to heal because they don’t get a direct blood supply, meaning your body can’t send healing nutrients directly to the cartilage. Instead, nutrients arrive through joint fluid. If you’re inactive, that fluid becomes stagnant, and your cartilage thins and becomes prone to injury.

There are also no nerves in cartilage, so your body doesn’t know when cartilage tissue gets damaged or worn down. This is why joints can become bone-on-bone over the years. The same is true for your knees.

How Cold Laser Therapy Works

Cold laser therapy, also called low level laser therapy or light therapy, is a treatment that works at the cellular level, specifically the organelle you find in every cell called mitochondria. Mitochondria are responsible for energy production. Cold lasers stimulate mitochondria to boost cell metabolism, which leads to faster cell production, increased blood flow, and triggers your body’s natural healing process.

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons gave laser therapy its official stamp of approval in 2021 both as a knee pain treatment and a pain management protocol. There are no known negative side effects.

How Cold Laser Therapy Treats Knee Pain

When it comes to utilizing cold laser therapy for knee pain, said joint experiences better blood flow, inflammation reduction, immediate pain relief, and long-lasting pain relief. This means your body repairs cartilage far better than when left to its own devices. Dr. Vazquez utilizes the light wavelengths backed by science to produce positive results.

Get on the Path Toward Knee Pain Relief 

When you’re in need of knee pain treatment in League City and want to find out if you can avoid surgery, our dedicated team at Texas Spine & Sports Rehab Clinic can help. Dr. Alfredo Vazquez has decades of experience treating patients for a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries. Our office specializes in Graston Technique, ART, and myofascial release. Call us today at (832) 647-0761 or schedule an appointment online.


Posted In: Knee Pain Treatment Laser Therapy Cold Laser